1. Habit : An ornamental perennial shrub.
2. Root : Branched tap root system.
3. Stem : Aerial, cylindrical, branched, woody stem.
4. Leaf : Simple, alternate, stipulate, petiolate, glabrous, apex acuminate with multiple reticulate venation.
5. Inflorescence : Auxillary solitary cyme.
6. Flower : Jointed pedicellate, bracteate, bracteolate, bisexual, pentamerous, actinomorphic, dichlamydeous, complete and hypogynous. Mucilage is present.
7. Epicalyx : Five to many, green, free, whorl of bracteolates outer to the calyx is called as epiclayx.
8. Calyx : Five sepals, gamosepalous, tubular, valvate aestivation and odd sepal is posterior.
9. Corolla : Five petals, polypetalous, united at the base with staminal tube, twisted aestivation.
10. Androecium : Numerous stamens, monadelphous. Anthers are reniform, monothecous, extrose, dorsifixed and dehisce transversely.
11. Gynoecium : Pentacarpellary, syncarpous, pentalocular, superior ovary with many ovules on axile placentation. Style simple, slender, long and passes through the staminal tube. The style ends in five capitate stigma.
12. Fruit : Abortive.
2. Root : Branched tap root system.
3. Stem : Aerial, cylindrical, branched, woody stem.
4. Leaf : Simple, alternate, stipulate, petiolate, glabrous, apex acuminate with multiple reticulate venation.
5. Inflorescence : Auxillary solitary cyme.
6. Flower : Jointed pedicellate, bracteate, bracteolate, bisexual, pentamerous, actinomorphic, dichlamydeous, complete and hypogynous. Mucilage is present.
7. Epicalyx : Five to many, green, free, whorl of bracteolates outer to the calyx is called as epiclayx.
8. Calyx : Five sepals, gamosepalous, tubular, valvate aestivation and odd sepal is posterior.
9. Corolla : Five petals, polypetalous, united at the base with staminal tube, twisted aestivation.
10. Androecium : Numerous stamens, monadelphous. Anthers are reniform, monothecous, extrose, dorsifixed and dehisce transversely.
11. Gynoecium : Pentacarpellary, syncarpous, pentalocular, superior ovary with many ovules on axile placentation. Style simple, slender, long and passes through the staminal tube. The style ends in five capitate stigma.
12. Fruit : Abortive.